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Credit Repair Business Can Be Lucrative Venture
If you are looking to begin a credit repair business you should know that this type of business is highly scrutinized and regulated and is often the target of investigations, due to the number of people who have promised things they cannot deliver. In order to succeed in the credit repair business you will need to be completely honest with any potential clients in explaining exactly how you may be able to help them.
Many times negative reports are made to the three national credit reporting agencies with just cause and they appear on your report. However, after the time limit for these negative items they are not always removed and stay on the report until you complain. Anyone can obtain a copy of their credit report and file a written objection to items on the report and request they be removed. A credit repair business is simply doing this on behalf of a client.
Owners of a credit repair business have to give a potential client three business days after signing a contract to request a full refund if they choose to cancel and then must disclose details of the Fair Credit Reporting Act they will be following to attempt to remove old, invalid items from their credit report. They should also disclose that valid negative items cannot be removed.
Fraud Detection Services Available Free
Sometimes a credit repair business will also offer services to keep an eye on your credit report to insure against identity theft, offering to notify you if new accounts are opened in your name or to notify you of unusual activity. The credit reporting agencies will provide this service for you, without the need of a credit repair business. There are two levels of notification you can request and both will provide alerts if you believe you may be subject to identity theft.
The first is a notification that a new account has been opened in your name. At this time, your option is to contact the credit company with which the account is opened and inform them it is a fraudulent account and needs to be closed. The second is no account can be opened unless you are contacted separately. Even if you are the one applying for a new credit card or loan, the company needs to contact you for verification before it can be completed. While a credit repair business may offer this service, usually for a hefty fee, you can get the same service by contacting the agencies.
Credit Repair Business